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The Dirtiest Three Letter Word

The Dirtiest Three Letter Word

What is the dirtiest three letter word today?

I am certain you would not have said it was this word:  “SIN”

Don’t mention that word. It is the word that is least mentioned in our vocabulary.  Did you ever see it on a school spelling test? Ever see it mentioned on a prime time TV sitcom?  In our world today a person can do anything they want, go anywhere they want or act in any manner that they want to.  However, not once will the word “sin” be uttered in reference to their actions. Ask the person on the street to define the word sin.  Can they define it?  Mankind has determined that they cannot be held responsible for anything.  Therefore, why worry about what sin is? Just ask your lawyer.  However, do not ask God.  If you do ask God, you may find that what he says it is; will most likely contradict what you believe.

What is Sin?
A child might tell you: “it is doing something you are not supposed to do”.
Could it really be that simple?
We live in a complex world today.  We expect everything to be complicated.  There is nothing complicated in understanding what sin is.  Maybe the complication comes from understanding what we are not “supposed to do”.  If there is a belief that nobody can tell us what to do, then how can we be guilty of sin? Why can God tell us what to do, when as a society we do not believe in God?
Oh, now we are getting to the root problem.  How can we define sin, if we do not acknowledge that there is a God? Without an acknowledgement of God; there is no reason to be concerned with sin in our lives. Understanding and acknowledging the presence and influence of God in a man’s life is paramount to knowing that sin is in existence.  Without a God there is no one to sin against.  How can a child sin against a parent without having a parent?  How can an employee sin against the employer without having an employer?
Without an acknowledgement that God exists; and that he is the sole reason for each breath man takes, there will continue to be a rise in the viciousness of sin in our land.  We must show the world that God does exist and that the problems and issues of this world will only get worst as we decide to move further and further away from his will.  How can we show the world that there is a God without first cleaning up the sin within our own lives?
  1. Acknowledge that there is a God.- Proverbs 3:6; Psalms 51:1-4; Isaiah 45:20-22
  2. There is Only one way:
    • God’s - Isaiah 55:8
    • Not man’s - Proverbs 14:12
  3. He took care of sin but all men will die and be held accountable – Hebrews 9:26-28; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23
  4. How will this take place?  Revelation 20:12-15
  5. How do we get listed in that book – John 3:3; John 3:6; John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9
  6. He is waiting to be received by asking – Acts 4:12; John 1:12; Revelation 3:20
  7. Call on him and confess – Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13; 1 John 1:9
  8. Sin is gone and no longer part of our life– Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 5:13; Ephesians 2:8-9
  9. Then What?  Luke 12:8-9; Acts 1:8

Written March 2010