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Silence from Exodus to the Church

 When Exodus starts there is a “new king of Egypt” (Exodus 1:8) who did not know about Joseph.

He is worried that “children of Israel are more and mightier than” he is (Exodus 1:9). He plots many ways to fix the problem.  We then step into the story of the birth of Moses, his growing to adulthood (Exodus 2:11), now age 40 he kills an Egyptian and flees to Midian for 40 more years. This Egyptian King dies while Moses is gone and a new one comes to the throne. (Exodus 2:23)

This one would have been “raised in the same court” with Moses.  Therefore, the purpose God had Moses spend his first 40 years a “prince” of Egypt because as a nomad, Moses would have had trouble getting “audiences” before the king but not as a prince.

Then we FINALLY get to the last half of verse 23:

“…Israel…cried, and their cry came up unto God…”


God Never Left……..the People Did!  Do we wonder how much sooner they could have left Egypt if they had only asked?

Scholars have all written of the “years of God’s silence” while the Jews were in bondage in Egypt.  Their mistake, it was “years of silence by the children of Abraham”.

One other side note in the story….that is often “MISSED”

When this Pharaoh decides to give chase to Moses…Exodus 14:7 says Pharaoh took 600 “chosen chariots”.  These chariots were the ELITE vehicles in the army.  They were inspected for all faults!

That adds more flavor to verses 24 and 25 when the “Lord….took off the chariot wheels…” in the middle of the sea.

Then there is the fact that World Historians have had trouble pin-pointing the story of the Exodus because they cannot prove which “Pharaoh Ramses” was the king during the Exodus. The records for those years are all “jumbled” as thought some MAJOR catastrophe happened!  DUH! Three Pharaoh’s died during the first 80 years of lifespan of Moses (remember the heir to the throne also died in the plaques). This Pharaoh (unlike what Hollywood depicts) died in the river at the HEAD of His army. He was…

“Washed from History”….. Imagine the “recovery period” for Egypt.  Economically, environmentally and militarily alone would take decades to recover.  All caused by the plaques and the total annihilation of their army in the river.

Egypt would once again provide sanctuary for the seed of Abraham when Joseph would flee there with Mary and their child.  Egypt also has the promise of a significant part in God’s plans for the children of Abraham in the Last Days.

The Pharaoh in chapter 1:8 was worried about the eventual downfall of his empire from the Jews taking sides with an eventual enemy.  If he had lived long enough he would have seen the death of the next 2 generations caused by his own throne.

Silence of Israel

For 40 years the Children of Abraham would wander until they could get their lives in servitude to God.

They would eventually get into Canaan and go through years of ups and downs always forgetting God. They did not listen when they had Moses.  They did not listen when he sent Judges one after another to “bail out” the children of Abraham.  Then through the generations of Kings and their guilty pleasures, they would not listen and time came for the Prophets.

That did not work so, God allowed them to go back to “Egyptian Bondage” that they wanted so badly.  Five more empires over the generations to come would chastise (oh, I love that word) them.

Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greece and the Roman Empire all would take them captive. Every time, ONCE the children would “cry out” for HELP, their Father would rescue them!

The last time he did….God sent HIS Son!  What did they do?  They killed him…….

Now enters the Gentiles, now enter the “Church”, now enters “Christianity”……

Silence of Christianity

The Jews turned their backs too many times and the door opened to the rest of the world.  Scripture from beginning to end is still about His plan for the Children of Abraham.  However, the Church and Christianity have now been added to the script that is playing out before our eyes.

The Church and Christianity that came into existence upon the message that Jesus preached. They have had 2000 years to do what the Jews did not. Has it been done? Christians might be eagerly awaiting the return of Christ but what are they doing in the meantime?  The best effort they can generate usually comes on Sunday mornings.  As long as it occurs early enough on Sunday to be done before the sports kick-off at noon.  And the preacher does a good job on the sermon; they have succeeded in doing their requirement for the week. Out the door on Sunday, turn on the electronics and get caught up on what was missed during the hour in church!

How is that any different than what has gone on for the past 6000 years? How is this any different than the Children of Abraham in Egypt or in Canaan?   Silence from the Church and Christians.  TOO BUSY FOR GOD.



What is your “Standard”?  What do you stand for?  Any idea what you believe? What would you die for?

A day is soon coming that WILL require every person to AGREE to a set “CODE of CONDUCT” that is approved by society, social media and ultimately governmental laws.  When that day occurs and you are forced to accept that “Code” or face consequences, what WILL YOU DO?  Will you then STAND for the laws of God or those of man?  When that choice suddenly dictates imprisonment, lack of right to purchase food, and even family not acknowledging you, it may be too late to suddenly find your backbone!  If there is no backbone in you now, what gives you the impression that you will suddenly find one when the noose is tightening around the neck?

I challenge everyone to write a “manifesto” of their own words.  DO NOT copy mine or anyone’s.  If you do, then it is not truly a manifesto, because you did nothing more than copy words from someone else’s heart and not your own. 

What is a manifesto? 

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

“Manifesto: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer”



I am not a Christian. That is a term created by the world to identify a particular group of people. The world can have it and label anything they want with that term. As is true with any term used to group people, this term “Christian” has come to identify a broad spectrum of beliefs and ideas.  It no longer has the same context it originally had when used in the first century. A term that once made the Apostle Paul proud would now be a term fit to describe the very people he was trying to reach with the words of Christ. 

I cannot find any reference to Jesus THE Christ telling anyone to first you must become a Christian and once you do that be willing to die for being called one. 

God did ask me if I was willing to do one thing.  Was I willing to give my life for the proclamation of HIS Word and for the Defense of the Name of HIS Son Jesus Christ?  I gave Him an answer.  It was an unconditional and fully bonded shout of YES SIR!  He called me to accept Him as the controller of my life, soul and spirit.  In making that pledge to Him, I have given away ALL RIGHTS and have subjected myself to his governing laws and rules.  If I did not want to be controlled in such a way then I would not accept and commit my life to Jesus Christ and HIS Father the God of the Universe!  I am not a Christian, but I AM a child of God and a follower and believer of EVERYTHING taught by His son Jesus Christ!  I have accepted and acknowledge before Him that Jesus died for my sins!

This commitment requires a bond, no simple pledge will suffice. It is a commitment that requires me to unconditionally waive all rights and beliefs.  I am placing myself into bondage to the God of the Universe!

I can already feel the weight of that yoke of burden.  How am I worthy enough to even attempt to claim the right to any opinion or belief that is not His? I just handed those rights over in order to make this bond!

A Christian cannot do what I just did. Christians have been seen coming and going, following the latest wave that provides what they want.  They are never able to put themselves into bondage to ONE Lord and Master. I feel free and comfortable denying I am a Christian. I will NEVER deny that I am a follower of Jesus Christ! He alone is my Master and I am in His service. I will speak and do ONLY that which he allows me to do.

I will attempt to live up to the faith that for centuries has caused HIS other followers who have gone before to be able to boldly stand; and for some to even give the ultimate price for the name of Jesus Christ. Those men and women who have followed Jesus Christ may be long gone but they are still impacting lives!

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.”


signed and dated November 2, 2020 by WD KEMNER


Do you have trouble understanding passages in the Bible?  Particularly those that may appear to be prophetic in nature?

Let us look at it from how a person may approach other forms of literature.  As a reader, why do you read books that fit into a particular genre, such as horror, mystery or western theme books? Or, do you read items written only by a particular author?  If you do so, why?

You read a particular genre or particular author’s books because you understand his/her style when you read it.  Have you ever noticed that you can tell when your author has not written it and it was written by a ghost writer?  That was because something is different.  The same is true in scripture. You can not pull out the books of Revelations, Daniel or Ezekiel without having read any other books of the Bible.  You will not understand any of it without a total comprehension of the context of the entire Bible.

Another problem occurs attempting to read books you are not capable of understanding.  In that manner, to read particular books of the Bible you need understanding that comes after developing particular skills.

Ten Skills Needed:

You need to be a believer in God.

You need to be a follower of His Son Jesus.

You must believe that they both exist.

You must have a personal relationship and have submitted control of your life to God.

You must be living under submission to God’s authority.

Without submission you cannot accept the truths laid down in scripture as being the word of God.

You must be able to acknowledge that the Bible (as written) is the literal word of God.

You need to have the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life in order to process the simplicity of His word.

The anointing does not come without the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who gives the discernment and guidance needed when reading the words of God.

You need daily time with God in prayer if you are attempting to understand His Words. If the time is not

spent communicating with Him, how can there be any understanding of what he says?

You need daily time reading of the Bible.  Do you understand any book in which you have read only the first and last pages?  Likewise it is foolish to have the mentally that says to God: “Okay, I have an hour today, what are you going to show me?”  Why waste His time?  Approaching the study of scripture in this manner leads to man inserting his opinion and interpretation into a passage.

You need an open mind and heart.  Be prepared to throw away EVERY preconceived idea, thought and

opinion.  Those are all items that belong only to you and are not the Lord’s.  

The following rules are mandatory requirements in order to understand

ALL SCRIPTURE stands together.  There are no theological debates or interpretations.  His word is what it is.  All scripture is part of the entire package, no one verse stands alone.  If it is not supported by other scripture then it is the idea of man and not God.

God does not need another new revelation of His Word.  It is complete in itself from Genesis (the Beginning) to the end of the story the Book of Revelation.  It can stand alone without man’s extra books of interpretation and self helps.

DO NOT ever attempt to make a passage “fit” into your understanding. If you must try to make or find scriptures to prove a theory or interpret it; then it is just another good theory.  Throw it out!

At some point in history men decided that we must be able to explain things in a manner similar to the way we have for the past 100 years.  This is a fallacy in understanding scripture.  Deciding that something described must be equaled to something today does not have any place in God’s Word.

Example, one writer in the 1960’s wrote that Russia has to be destroyed because the territory they control needs to be broken up. Why write that? Of course he could not imagine the possibility that 30 years later the USSR would fall without a war. 

In order to understand scripture, you must understand that you are not the center of the universe.  God’s Word, centers on a chosen and specific group of people.  This group is to be the focus of His Plans for the past, present and future.  You need to be able to accept the following regarding who the Chosen People are.

The “chosen people” are not Christians. It is not the “church” of any form.  It is the Jews!  Jews are those that are of the seed of Abraham and no one else.  God has had and will always have a special place for the “seed of Abraham”.  The scriptures and all its words are focused/centered on that group of people. All prophecies are focused on or involve them.  You must understand and accept that.  If not you will have trouble understanding anything in the Bible. It is ONLY a privilege that the rest of the world (non Jews) will be allowed to be a small part in the story from beginning to end of the Bible.  How we honor and respect that privilege will determine how we understand it.