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The BIGGER Picture

The BIGGER Picture - Revisited

(The original message was written after the 2008 Presidential election.  I have revised it because of the importance of the message)

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; ………for so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: ……Honor all men….Fear God. Honor the king.”   1 Peter 2:13-17

So, the election is over. It’s done. Back to normal once again……………..

Is that right? Are you going back to your regular routine? 
Are you celebrating or still complaining about who won or who loss the election?
Why are you not praying for our newly elected leaders?  Is that not what the verse says?

I made a comment back before the election that I am going to now follow up on.  This election was to have an impact on a BIGGER scale.  It would affect more than just the U.S. economy, the political structure of the U.S. Congress, or whether we had the first individual of a particular race or gender.

Americans have spent too much of their lives being told (and believing) that the World revolves around them.  Turn on the television and watch the “World News” each night.  What do you hear about? Do you hear about news from around the WORLD?  With the exception of locations where we currently have troops engaged; the “world” that you hear about is within the borders of this country.  Can any one of you tell me what the top news story is at this vey minute in: Russia, Haiti or the Congo?

The World Map changes on a regular basis and so does the politics of it. There are new players on the scene every day, but the role and influence of the Prince of this World can be seen easily enough if you open your eyes. It is time now that a few so called “Bible Believers” start reading that book they claim to “believe in” and pay attention to what it says about what is happening in the World right in front of their eyes!

Whether you are a GENUINE Bible Believer or a professing church going individual these events occurring around the World WILL IMPACT your life.  It has been said: “Just because you do not believe it, does not make it any less true.”  I spent a lot of time reading through the Bible.  You should try it sometime.  It will change your perspective on everything you know and everything you do not know.   I have gone through every word of Daniel, Thessalonians and The Revelation several times.  If you have studied the Word of God the way I have; and seen the amazing creativity he used in laying out his plans for this World; you would understand.   There is a distinct BEGINNING and there is a definite ENDING to HIS Book.!

On any Sunday morning sermons are shared from pulpits all across America.  The Bible is quoted and we often hear from Paul’s message to the Ephesians on wearing the armor or his letter to the Corinthians on how to love or be part of the body.  Oh, such very “meaty” material! . (1 Corinthians 3:1-3; Hebrews 5:11-14) When was the last sermon you heard on one of those passages?  Now, when was the last sermon you heard from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians?  Could that be because we are AFRAID to scare away the congregation and our attendance numbers will drop?  We don’t dare mention the phrases:  “Day of the Lord” or the “Resurrection of the Body” or the “return of Jesus”.  We may see the church board reprimand the preacher if he did!

Somehow everyone seems to forget that both Paul and Peter understood that there is an ENDING to the Book as well.  If they were here right now, they would be SCREAMING at the “church” to beware of how close she is to the LAST PAGE OF THE SCRIPT………………………….

Written November 2008
Revised January 2014