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Silence from Exodus to the Church

 When Exodus starts there is a “new king of Egypt” (Exodus 1:8) who did not know about Joseph.

He is worried that “children of Israel are more and mightier than” he is (Exodus 1:9). He plots many ways to fix the problem.  We then step into the story of the birth of Moses, his growing to adulthood (Exodus 2:11), now age 40 he kills an Egyptian and flees to Midian for 40 more years. This Egyptian King dies while Moses is gone and a new one comes to the throne. (Exodus 2:23)

This one would have been “raised in the same court” with Moses.  Therefore, the purpose God had Moses spend his first 40 years a “prince” of Egypt because as a nomad, Moses would have had trouble getting “audiences” before the king but not as a prince.

Then we FINALLY get to the last half of verse 23:

“…Israel…cried, and their cry came up unto God…”


God Never Left……..the People Did!  Do we wonder how much sooner they could have left Egypt if they had only asked?

Scholars have all written of the “years of God’s silence” while the Jews were in bondage in Egypt.  Their mistake, it was “years of silence by the children of Abraham”.

One other side note in the story….that is often “MISSED”

When this Pharaoh decides to give chase to Moses…Exodus 14:7 says Pharaoh took 600 “chosen chariots”.  These chariots were the ELITE vehicles in the army.  They were inspected for all faults!

That adds more flavor to verses 24 and 25 when the “Lord….took off the chariot wheels…” in the middle of the sea.

Then there is the fact that World Historians have had trouble pin-pointing the story of the Exodus because they cannot prove which “Pharaoh Ramses” was the king during the Exodus. The records for those years are all “jumbled” as thought some MAJOR catastrophe happened!  DUH! Three Pharaoh’s died during the first 80 years of lifespan of Moses (remember the heir to the throne also died in the plaques). This Pharaoh (unlike what Hollywood depicts) died in the river at the HEAD of His army. He was…

“Washed from History”….. Imagine the “recovery period” for Egypt.  Economically, environmentally and militarily alone would take decades to recover.  All caused by the plaques and the total annihilation of their army in the river.

Egypt would once again provide sanctuary for the seed of Abraham when Joseph would flee there with Mary and their child.  Egypt also has the promise of a significant part in God’s plans for the children of Abraham in the Last Days.

The Pharaoh in chapter 1:8 was worried about the eventual downfall of his empire from the Jews taking sides with an eventual enemy.  If he had lived long enough he would have seen the death of the next 2 generations caused by his own throne.

Silence of Israel

For 40 years the Children of Abraham would wander until they could get their lives in servitude to God.

They would eventually get into Canaan and go through years of ups and downs always forgetting God. They did not listen when they had Moses.  They did not listen when he sent Judges one after another to “bail out” the children of Abraham.  Then through the generations of Kings and their guilty pleasures, they would not listen and time came for the Prophets.

That did not work so, God allowed them to go back to “Egyptian Bondage” that they wanted so badly.  Five more empires over the generations to come would chastise (oh, I love that word) them.

Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greece and the Roman Empire all would take them captive. Every time, ONCE the children would “cry out” for HELP, their Father would rescue them!

The last time he did….God sent HIS Son!  What did they do?  They killed him…….

Now enters the Gentiles, now enter the “Church”, now enters “Christianity”……

Silence of Christianity

The Jews turned their backs too many times and the door opened to the rest of the world.  Scripture from beginning to end is still about His plan for the Children of Abraham.  However, the Church and Christianity have now been added to the script that is playing out before our eyes.

The Church and Christianity that came into existence upon the message that Jesus preached. They have had 2000 years to do what the Jews did not. Has it been done? Christians might be eagerly awaiting the return of Christ but what are they doing in the meantime?  The best effort they can generate usually comes on Sunday mornings.  As long as it occurs early enough on Sunday to be done before the sports kick-off at noon.  And the preacher does a good job on the sermon; they have succeeded in doing their requirement for the week. Out the door on Sunday, turn on the electronics and get caught up on what was missed during the hour in church!

How is that any different than what has gone on for the past 6000 years? How is this any different than the Children of Abraham in Egypt or in Canaan?   Silence from the Church and Christians.  TOO BUSY FOR GOD.